
mary, mary, quite contrary . . .

how does your garden grow?

really, i'd like to know - any tips are most welcome!

we have sprouts! and pumpkin flowers! and itty, bitty tomatoes!

about a month ago, i was e-mailed that my spot on the waitlist for a community garden put me next in line for an open plot . . . as these lists were known to be long, i accepted the plot {2x the size i wanted, and the farthest garden i had applied for} in hopes that being in the system was the way to go.

the plot looked like this:

during the next week, i got it to look like this:

at which time i was told that another plot had become available, this time in full sun. it looked like this:

so rather than clear 100 sq.ft. of compost and have a plot in the shade, i took the second plot:

in the second plot, i found 2 canvas tarp-type things 20'x4' in size {rolled up in the photo above}, raspberry seedlings, onions, garlic, strawberries, and potatoes . . . all in all, it seemed like it could work.

after planting lettuce and corn, i received notice in the mail that my name had come up for a smaller plot in a garden closer to myself- so i went to check it out . . . and it looked like this:

being the third plot i would be clearing, i turned it down {thinking i was ready to plant at the second plot}

optimistically, i purchased some veggie starts and began turning over a section of my garden to plant them . . .

well, all i seemed to turn up was plastic - as in garbage bag-type plastic . . . about 50-75 sq. ft. of it . . . no end and no beginning . . .so i called the garden office to see if they had given my other plot away . . . LUCKY ME! . . . they hadn't : ) and lucky me in another way- my father-in-law, who arrived the day i switched gardens, was excited about helping me clear and plant the new plot!

here are some progress photos . . .

and my baby flowers + tomatoes!

can't wait for beans + basil + broccoli + carrots + beets + lettuce + squash + tomatoes + cucumbers + pumpkins oh my!

{though i'm still hesitant as one of the tomato plants has spots . . . sigh . . . we shall see}

mid-years resolutions . . .

recently, someone i 'know' online mentioned that she was making mid-years resolutions . . . although she might have different reasons for making them than i have, it sounds like a great idea! {especially as i never felt like i was starting my new year with a fresh start}

so here goes nothing . . .

embrace_family, friends, health, experiences, possibilities . . . as times have gone to an unfamiliar place, sometimes it is hard to have faith and stay positive. this year has been a doozy- turning 3-0, my aunt was diagnosed with cancer, unemployment . . . on the bright side, thus far, well, i'm still thirty, but my aunt has finished chemo {we hope}, and i've started my own business. let's hope everything is falling into place with whatever path is out there for me.

maintain_health/fitness, relationships, environment . . . as in the usual exercise and healthy eating . . . as well as connections with friends and family- which are especially dear being so very far away from many of them . . . and hopefully, for my honey's sake, improve my laundery skills at home {really, i'm pretty bad!}

live_without worrying about a plan, money, who i am, what i've missed or could have done . . . knowing things work out in the end and trust in that {in reality, this has been true for the duration of my life . . . i think it's a good strategy, for now . . . if only i can have such faith!}

while these 3 words are just that, 3 words, they encompass a realm of tangents that i think are steps in a direction to being happier with myself and who i want to become for my family!


me = bad blogger . . .

sigh . . . to say it has been busy is certainly an understatement!

since i last wrote, sleep has been reduced (as well as internet time) and the biz has made a giant step forward :)

back in february, i applied to the portland farmers market. soon after i lost my job, i found out that the market was full so i applied to beaverton . . . somehow (esp. as a first-year vendor) i got in on an on-call basis . . . this was fabulous news, but not much of a reality util may arrived . . . then it was all about logistics!

ok- so i usually enjoy logistics - and all the gory details that come with it- this time, however, they almost got the better of me . . . from pricing and packaging to labels, tags, all of the designs and farmers market booth set-up . . . phew!

as it is tuesday, how did the market go? it went ok . . . pretty good, really . . . sure i didn't sell out- but in many ways that is ok as i spent 2 weeks making everything - and i'm not sure i could maintain that schedule the entire season- one thing i'll say is that many of our friends stopped by to say hi- and that was fab! and, i wouldn't have been able to do it without my hubby- he helped with money, errands and the frequent chuckles :) how lucky i am to have such a supportive partner in my life! and in this adventure!

now it's time to catch up at home (yup - that laundry i started 2 weeks ago needs put away) and get ready for a visitor! oh- and back to my jogging :)

i hope to continue to update about various things and biz updates, too (hopefully with pics!) - but it likely won't be as frequent as many bloggers - guess i'm more of a people person - but for those peeps not here with me - i'm still here :)



to my honey - he took his last exam of 9 architectural registration exams this week! he has been studying his little butt off since this time last year - and successfully has passed 8 for certain- i'm guessing he passed this last one, too - but we have to wait until the computer checks in with its supervisor and reports the scores . . . so yes, computerized test - results in 2-5 weeks!

these tests are required of architectural interns to officially allow them to be called 'architects' - and not only that, they are now liable for their projects and with that comes potential to be sued - yay! but really, it's a good thing and i am sooo proud of him.

now to think of something to do for him to celebrate . . . see, i had this idea that i would surprise him with a trip to new york city - well, that was before i lost my job- and as i am working with fewer funds and will potentially be busy on weekends with the market- i feel i should think of something else (not to mention i spilled the beans when i was tipsy one night in san fran - but in that light, he was also tipsy and probably doesn't remember!)

hmmm . . .


can i just say . . .

how excited i am to finally be able to get my capris out from the bottom of the pile?! actually, i can, and i will . . . it has been such a glorious weekend, finally, after so much rain . . . although it hasn't been the rain i've minded as much as the cold . . . it is also good timing as i need to do laundry - now i'm saving that for a rainy day, which means maybe it won't rain for a few more days!

things on my end are perking up a bit . . . i have a meeting with another coffee shop that wishes to carry my biscotti this week - so that is exciting . . . and i've had my first real etsy order - real as in not a friend or my husband :)

this week i have a couple of tasks of high importance . . . i have to purchase packaging materials - for etsy and the Beaverton farmers market . . . i need to edit my trial contract and client contract . . . finish my business card design . . . work on labels and pricing for the BFM . . . and file the tax-exempt business tax form . . .

baking-wise . . . i've been experimenting with more marshmallow flavors - which is also why i need to keep jogging! right now, i can add chocolate, coconut and cinnamon to the mix . . . yummy! next up is to test out different coatings for the mallows - like toasted coconut and such . . .
beyond my current list of offerings, i also made hazelnut macaroons last night. i think they are tasty- though a bit hollow - haven't made any filling- may try that tonight, or just use some chocolate hazelnut spread my friend ekta got me : ) (think nutella, but better!)


buy 'a little bit of sweet' online!

who knew you could sell food on etsy?! well, i discovered this sometime near the end of last year and it has since been in the plans to create a shop once the kitchen to rent was found . . . and it is now here!

it is still a work in progress, but looks to be a good start :) right now, there is just got a sampling of items listed to get the hang of it . . . and there will a post about what's available coming up!

in addition to the items listed on etsy, there is an 'alchemy' option that allows people to request bids for custom projects. this would be great for anyone looking for handmade, edible wedding favors {hint hint!}

while etsy will be a great online venue for sales, one minor detail is that everyone needs to sign up and become a member . . . this is great for the handmade community, but there are worries that it may discourage some from making a purchase . . . well, let's hope for the best!



{a little bit of sweet :: age, 1 day!}


i'm back! (well, sort of . . . )

ever feel like you've been plowed by a train?

(ok- just had to watch ross the intern on leno- i think he is hysterical!  always have since his first time on the show years back - but tonight was quite good : )

so where was i? . . . oh . . .  yeah . . .  it seems it is 2009- and the 14th day of the year no less!  i've missed a few things- such as new years, resolutions, my b-day . . . blah blah blah- well- those events are not gone, nor are they forgotten- and they will be remembered blog-style, soon- sadly- i was out of town for 2 weeks and since i returned, i've been sick - until now- well, mostly, anyway- still have a bit of a cough and more often than i'd like headache- but i'm optimistic- esp as i can finally doing things besides lay on a couch under a blanket!

more or less- this is a hello to the few friends and family i have who peruse this blog- and as check-in for myself reminding me of my goals i have in recording such events and memories : )

really, be on the lookout for fun things- including blogs i follow and enjoy, maybe some architecture, a post from the pooch, and potential baking endeavors!  oh- and i think i need to officially put my resolutions in writing- maybe then i'll feel more obligation and start keeping tabs on myself- 

anywho- thank you blog for being patient- and this year i hope to design you even better!


merry + bright . . .

hello, hello!

happy holidays to all : )  the posts have been few and far between while my list of desired posts keeps growing . . . i suppose that's what happens when work and snow attack- in full force!

at least i was able to catch up a bit yesterday and finish my goodie tins . . . 

this sampling includes tasty cookies and candies from biscotti to the {flaming} soft caramels, and chocolate covered cherries tucked below . . . so all in all considering- quite a bit- the other items i didn't get a chance to make, i'll try out in january : )

now the real question is why i am still at home and not in nevada . . . well- that would be the result of father winter . . . seems he felt a need to give us holiday presents early- as in millions of snowflakes . . . 

the pac-nw is pretty well covered with snow and the like . . . as in 8 inches in metro portland yesterday . . . our balcony flamingos began above the snow, yet they have slowly become covered - head to toe in one case!

tomorrow we will try again to begin our holiday road trip after we shovel out our car and chain the tires- yay!

all of this is probably ok, as this week was extremely busy at work for a deadline we had friday- here's a sampling of that project . . . 

as the holidays approach and we take to our coche- i bid to all a happy and wonderful holiday!  i am looking forward to relaxing, esp with my honey, and just resting up before the new year comes upon us . . . and that thirtysomething event . . . 

there is very little chance of other posts this year, but i intend to start anew with my list . . . from baking adventures to wedding recaps to general fun finds (which are aplenty via holiday shopping!) as well as an infamous start to my thirtysomething lists . . . really, they are coming!  oh- and maybe progress in the start of baking for a living : )

thanks to anyone out there reading this journal of a blog of sorts- sometimes i get disappointed that i've not been able to write more, but it's a start and i'll get better : )

i leave you with a link to the animated version of our holiday card from work that illustrates the construction of our gingerbread fire station . . . until next year . . . 

: )


where there's smoke, there's fire- really! (a.k.a. '08 baking part 1)

this evening, i had the pleasure of listening to our smoke detector not once, or twice, but three times!  (*sigh* yes, courtesy of myself . . . )

so really, anyone reading this probably wants to know why- esp as i also mention baking in the title . . . well as you have it . . . there's a reason most recipes for caramel involve either sweetened condensed milk or evaporated milk- because if you use whole milk and cream- there's a great deal of moisture to be removed - so {a} it takes forever and {b} it it likely to boil over . . . though it probably didn't help that i made 125% of the recipe since i wanted thicker caramels : ) . . . *sigh* bit of a brain lapse- but at least the fire was tiny (even if it scared me to pieces as it's probably one of the only things in the kitchen i'm afraid of . . . well- more like oil fires- but fire none.the.less can be frightening) and as it was caused by the overflowing sugar-milk syrup - it burned out rather quickly . . . 

and luckily the mess under/in the burner wasn't as terrible as i expected (once i transferred 1/2 the mix to a second pot and continued to cook for 15 more minutes - leaving charred sugar- yummy) . . . once i was done pouring the caramel in my pan, i thought to myself- that was probably THE MOST difficult recipe experience i've done- probably ever! . . . so what did i do?  well- i licked the spatula, well, nibbled, rather, and rejoiced as it was all worth it- now for reals- yum yum!  i must admit- next time i will have to stick to 1/2 the recipe or buy a bigger pot!

also, while i'm at it- i think i'm moving towards 3 for 3 in my attempts this year-

first- there were the cherries . . . 

second- we've got marshmallows . . .

and third- (hopefully once i cut the slab-o-sweet wonderful goo tomorrow) - we have caramels!

(p.s.- a thirtysomething goal is to be able to sell all these delectable treats - so be on the look out for more info!)

now for the weekend- yay!  tomorrow has a huge to-do list- from finding cocoa butter + x-mas shopping + picking up my new glasses (yes, they're in!) and chocolate ganache and nougat : )  (and maybe a run if it's not terribly cold out - i've got 7 miles down (i think) - and am moving up to 1.5 miles (even though i still count those as 1) . . . hopefully next week i can check off 3-5 more miles . . .